Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Value of Life

I read a really disturbing article today about Planned Parenthood.  The article said that Planned Parenthood says that sex-selective abortions are "necessary and effective".  If you're not sure what a sex-selective abortion is, it is where an abortion is only performed on female fetuses.  If that wasn't bad enough, the article goes on to state that Planned Parenthood has helped human traffickers obtain abortions for their underage victims.

In a world where life as a whole has no meaning, and since life has no meaning it has no value.  So its ok to terminate female fetuses just because they're females; its ok to traffic 13 year old girls and treat them as sex objects; its ok to oppress people because they are of a different ethnic group, in fact it should be encouraged because obviously they are not strong enough.  Since life has no value, its ok to rape women and children.  What Bernie Fine and Jerry Sandusky did is ok because life has no value.

Might makes right.

But somewhere, deep down, we intuitively know life has value, otherwise we wouldn't have fought for different ethnic groups to be treated equally, or have fought to keep people like Jerry Sandusky away from little kids.  The fact that we know that something is wrong when people oppress others or rape others shows that life has value.  Because life has value, we continue to fight to stop human trafficking.  Life has value because life has meaning.  The meaning of life is we were created by a good God who wanted a relationship with us.  Because we sinned, we have a broken and marred world; a world where people sell others into sexual slavery; a world where women are oppressed because they are women.

 At times we might wonder "how can a good God allow this to happen?"  But God has done something about it.  He who knew no oppression, because oppressed for our sake.  In Jesus Christ, God was oppressed and beaten.  His oppression and beating were not just to identify with our pain and suffering, but to end it.  He bore our pain and death so we wouldn't have to and then he rose again.  In that our sin has been removed and we have new life.  Since life