Thursday, April 22, 2010

Continued Support

So as of today, I am 49% of the way there. I am constantly amazed at how God continues to support me. I have really learned what trust in God is through all of this. I am really excited that everything is so close, that I am so close to going to Berlin and serving God. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.

I have been going to a tutor just to brush up on my German. I went to tell my tutor that I was excited for Berlin, but apparently my dictionary doesn't specify the different meanings of the work excited. I actually told her I was horny for Berlin. Simple mistake, she knew what I meant and corrected it but I felt embarrassed. Even though I make mistakes like that, I feel my German is getting better and I will be able to communicate well enough if a German student doesn't understand what I'm saying in English.

Thank you all for your support.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Raising Support

So far I've received $715 in support. This has been incredible. I have really learned to trust in God with all of this. He has really provided and helped me trust in Him. I have a few more letters to address and send out, but I'm confident that God will provide as He has.

This has been quite possibly the most humbling experience of my life. Nothing else compares to asking friends and family to give you money so you can do God's work. I'm sure some think I'm crazy, but I know others really truly support this decision. You can't be to big on yourself when you ask others for help.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Thank you everyone who has sent in support. I'm so very thankful of your support of me going to do this work.