Thursday, April 22, 2010

Continued Support

So as of today, I am 49% of the way there. I am constantly amazed at how God continues to support me. I have really learned what trust in God is through all of this. I am really excited that everything is so close, that I am so close to going to Berlin and serving God. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.

I have been going to a tutor just to brush up on my German. I went to tell my tutor that I was excited for Berlin, but apparently my dictionary doesn't specify the different meanings of the work excited. I actually told her I was horny for Berlin. Simple mistake, she knew what I meant and corrected it but I felt embarrassed. Even though I make mistakes like that, I feel my German is getting better and I will be able to communicate well enough if a German student doesn't understand what I'm saying in English.

Thank you all for your support.

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