Monday, May 31, 2010

Preparing for Berlin: 14 days

I'm ready to go and get started in Berlin. I have 14 days before I fly out, and I can't wait. God has really provided for me on this trip and I hope all I do while I'm there honors Him. Thats all I really want to do, is honor Him. I know at times I fall short, I am human after all, but I really want to live life for Him. I want to live out Romans 12:1.

A week or so ago, Micaiah, one of the leaders of the trip, asked if anyone would be interested in leading worship and I replied saying I would play guitar and do what was needed. I've never lead worship before, so I'm a little nervous. Two other people replied and said that they would do it as well, so between the three of us we get to lead worship and choose songs to praise God with.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I have raised all $5520. And it feels great. I have received so much great support, in monetary donations and prayer. God has truly blessed me with such a wonderful group of people who want to help and support me serve Him. I never imagined that I would raise this much so quickly, but God provides. It's like the story in the the movie "Facing the Giants", two farmers are in need of rain. But only one prepares his field for rain.

I prayed, asked others to pray, did what I could and God provided.

Now, I just need to start preparing myself for Berlin. And I'm not exactly sure how to do that. I prayer that God prepares my heart for the struggles and challenges that I will face in Berlin, that I find my strength in Him and do not dig my own cisterns, and that the people in Berlin are prepared for us. I still have a whole month to continue praying this and continue spending time with God and studying His word, so I know He will prepare for this task.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Support raising has been going well. Today I reached 88%. I'm having a hard time believing it. A few weeks ago I was at 50% and now today, I've almost reached my goal. God has really provided. I am just amazed at how He gives and provides for us. I really feel like the farmer who prayed for rain and prepared his crops. And now that it's raining, it's pouring.

I am just amazed at how many people support me going on this trip and sharing God's word. I never imagined I would have this type of support, but God works in wonderful and powerful ways to fulfill his plan.