Friday, July 2, 2010


So Friday was a little different.  I woke up and had my quiet time at the Tiergarten with Doug.  It was nice.  I sat in the little garden by the coffeehouse I like.  At Humboldt, Micaiah and I went sharing before he discipled me.  We shared with this one guy and it was a pretty good conversation.  Micaiah is a really good evangelist, but it is his job.  The guy enjoyed talking with us and listening to our viewpoints.  This one guy next to us didn't like that we weren't speaking German so he asked if we thought we were condescending by sharing our faith and by not speaking in the guy's native language.  He just wanted to make us embarrassed and stop sharing.  Micaiah told him that was a valid point and that he would love to discuss that with him after our conversation with the guy in front of us ended but the guy just left.  After that conversation, we had discipleship which was pretty good.  We talked more about why I struggle with some of the things I struggle with and just ways to work on changing that.

That evening was mens time.  So we decided to play soccer.  I was so happy about that.  We went to this park where a local club has a few fields and played there.  If a club has fields they're usually turf unless they're pro.  It was kind of interesting but cool.  It was more like carpet that turf that I'm used to.  As we started to play a few German players at the club wanted to play with us, so we split them up among our two teams.  I started off playing behind the striker, but eventually I became the striker.  I forgot how much I love to play up front or from the middle.  We played for a couple of hours, and it took until right before we decided that we were going to stop playing soon that someone scored.  I hope we play again sometime before we leave.

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