Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Last Days Part 2

Today was our last day on campus.  It was ok.  Alyssa and I went out sharing together.  The first girl we talked with was really open and willing to talk until we mentioned Jesus.  She said she was forced to go to church and the priest never explained why we shouldn't do certain things.  I tried to empathize and tell her that if she were to look, the rules really made sense.  She ultimately was kind of closed to the idea of Jesus, even from a historical sense (she was a history student).  The next two people we went to talk with didn't want to talk with us; it's kind of understandable, lots of students are taking exams this week and the exam is their whole grade.  The next person we talked with tried to argue that science would eventually prove everything and we had no need for God.  Alyssa really carried that conversation.  She is going to grad school for biology and chem, so she really knows the sciences and held her own against this guy.  The only thing I contributed besides prayer was when he said that he didn't believe in God because he couldn't see Him or hear Him, I said that you couldn't see the wind or hear it but it was still there.  I wanted to take the route that just because you can't see something or hear a tangible voice doesn't mean it isn't there, but I didn't do a very good job of explaining and he wasn't that interested.  The conversation ended shortly after that.  Alyssa and I talked about things that we can learn from that convo, and one of the things we both said that we needed to keep in mind is that we can't convince anyone, but we need to try and get them to think.  Overall, I think that we did our best to have a discussion with this guy, but ultimately he didn't want to discuss it with us.

Tonight for bible study, we went to Wahalla (we have gone there for all of our bible study meetings).  We just concluded our study on Colossians.  I really got a lot out of this study.  I read it a few days before we left and I didn't get much out of it besides the big things that everyone seems to get out of it.  I really feel like this is a book that I can discuss and share incredibly well now.  I really would like to take this kind of understanding and have it for all of the books of the Bible.  I think it would really help me live a life that is much more pleasing to God, because at the end of the day that's all that matters.  I think I've grown to the point where that's the one thing I desire more than anything is the dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life.  It's kind of like that dcTalk song, "Day by Day".  Day by day, I want to see the Lord more clearly, to love Him more dearly, and to follow Him more nearly.

Tomorrow I leave for Switzerland.  I'm really excited.  We're going to be in Wengin, it's a small village up in the Alps.  It'll be about 20 degrees cooler there than here in Berlin.  I think it'll be really relaxing and pretty to look out and see mountains.  But with all the traveling, I don't know if I'll be able to update for a while.

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