Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another day on Humboldt

I really am enjoying how structured my mornings are here.  Even though I slept in a little bit since we got back so late from the Biergarten after the Germany game, I still was able to spend a little over an hour by myself in prayer and reading.  It has really been great.

Yesterday was kind of similar to Wednesday in terms of sharing.  Patrick and I went sharing together and we had 5 conversations and we only shared the gospel once.  The one guy we shared with just rejected us and the gospel.  But it just wasn't his time.  Since this is kind of a new project, not many people have been able to share that much compared to how many students there are here.  But I know God will do wonderful and incredible things here, whether I see the results or not.

Today, Micaiah, one of the leaders, went with me to Humboldt and we only had one conversation but didn't share.  The guy didn't seem that interested in talking about God.  But afterwards, we just talked and we both shared how we came to know Christ and what all had happened in our lives up until this point.  It was kind of hard talking about what happened between Amy and I in detail, but it was nice to share that with someone.  I haven't really talk many people about what happened other than we broke up.  After that, we went to a grill out that the team here puts on every Friday.  It was fun.  I didn't eat much since we were planning on going out for dinner after that.  I shared my story with the whole group at the park, they want each one of us to share how we came to Christ and what has happened in our life up until now.

After the park, Kenny, Austin, Aaron, Alyssa, Jenna, and I went to this Egyptian restaurant not that far from the park we were at.  It was so good.  I had a falafel with lamb.  I really enjoyed it a lot.  It was really good bonding time between us.  All of us except Jenna are seniors or 5th year students, so its kind of nice as "upperclassmen" to hang out together and just get to know each other a little better.

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